I have been so excited for Paul to finally get back home from the field and yesterday that day finally arrived! I would like to make a side note that I would not normally write this on my blog but because of some comments that were made I find that now is as good of a time as ever to make an exception to what I would "normally" do. So anyways I was so excited for Paul to get home I have been cleaning the house, making plans for what we would do when he got home, basically anything to keep my mind off of only so many more days!!!! Of course my body seems to always have just the best timing for everything and I have been feeling myself starting to get sick the past couple days...last night it really hit me and I fell asleep at 7:30pm. I was woken up at 10:30 by Paul calling me telling me to come pick him up, I can not describe to you how much my head hurt and how awful I felt for feeling bad the day he got home...but I was determined to make the best of the situation so I told him I would be there to pick him up just let me wake up so I could drive. Ten minutes and an advil later I am in the car driving to pick him up when he calls asking where am I because he is waiting...now maybe I didn't make the best decision at this point but I have never forgotten to pick him up and I am always able to wake up quickly so I was kind of surprised he would doubt I was already on my way but I figured it would be really funny to play a joke on him...so I acted as if I was still really sleepy and was still in bed he totally bought into it which I couldn't believe! Unfortunately for me so did his friends...I will get to that later. When I get there to pick him up the advil had started working and I was so proud of myself for pulling of such a good joke!
This morning I woke up feeling so much worse...my headache hadn't gone away, if anything it had gotten worse and my throat felt swollen and so sore, but Paul was home and I had to make him breakfast the first day he was back!!! So I roll out of bed and make him a great breakfast before I go back to sleep. I slept until nearly noon today and if you know me that NEVER happens...maybe I will sleep until 9 and that is when I am really exhausted. So I call Paul and I am not in a good mood, which I would like to apologize for, but when he told me he was going to eat with his friends and for me to meet them I was not too excited to get up and dressed and look presentable enough to go out in public. Thankfully Paul decided to come home and take care of me! I someone must have said something because Paul was not in a great mood and it took him all of his lunch break to realize that I was really sick and not just being a mean person asking him to come home. So finally at the end of his lunch break he tells me that one of his "friends" told him last night that he should divorce me because I wasn't there to pick him up. Yes, I am sure it was just a joke but that is not something to joke about. Also today that same "friend" was muttering about me when I was upset Paul wasn't coming home for lunch.
So I know I should just take this with a grain of salt, but I can't. Maybe its being sick, or maybe its because it is not a good time of the month or maybe it is both of those things combined along with knowing I have done nothing but nice things for this "friend." But instead of laying in bed trying to feel better I am going to suck it up, get dressed, take advil, make some coffee, do whatever it takes to become semi-functional again and not allow Paul to take care of me. I have now decided that as a wife there are no sick days. No matter how horrible you feel, how badly your head hurts, how much you just want to sleep, people still expect you to take care of your husband and magically feel better. I will never understand why this one person seems to hate me so much, or why I have taken it so personally and allowed it to make me feel as if I can't just rest. But trying to rest just makes me feel guilty, it makes me terrified that one day Paul may listen to this person and decide that maybe a divorce wouldn't be such a bad idea. I want to be a good wife, I am sorry I was sick. I will no longer ask my husband to come home for lunch because I miss him (its been a month since I have seen him for more than a day), I will no longer take sick days, I will no longer be human I will somehow find a way to be super woman.
Ohhhhh this just makes me laugh so hard. Tell em, Hannah!!! hahahahaha