I will post pictures later...once I find my camera cord.
Korean Time: 8:08am Local Time (Dubai): 3:03 am So far the flight has been great...well besides the whole sleeping and waking up every hour or so, but I really shouldn't complain because that is much better than how I normally sleep on an airplane! I am really going to have trouble when we move back to the States and I have to fly because the last few international flights have been amazing! I could totally get used to the huge airplanes, two meals during the flight, having a variety of movies and T.V. Shows to watch. The only part of this trip I don't like so far is not having enough time in each country. I would love to spend at least a day exploring Dubai and Germany! But, since there is no way I will have time I will have to make the best of exploring England and Ireland! I have a great plan for what I am going to do in England next week...no getting ahead of ourselves though, in Dubai my goals are to sleep and buy a postcard for my mom. I am currently thirty minutes from my first destination, let the adventure begin!
Korean Time: 7:30pm Local Time (Germany) 12:30 pm I am so confused about what time it is and what day. I have never had jet lag this badly, but I guess thats what traveling thru 3 different time zones does to a person. The weirdest feeling was when I got to Dubai....after a 9 hour flight that left Korea at 11pm it was still dark in Dubai! I was starting to wonder if there would ever be daylight again! But now it is daylight and I am starting to wonder when it will ever get dark again! At least now I will be in the same time zone for the next few days. On a much more positive note, I am LOVING this airplane...it has an outlet by my seat so I can plug in my computer. As much as I love this plane I am looking forward next two shorter flights! After over fifteen hours on two planes three hours on two planes sounds like a breeze!
Korean Time: 10:30pm Local Time (Germany) 3:31pm After a large cup of coffee I am maybe kind of adjusting to the time difference...maybe. I just have to make it a few more hours until my last flight! I am feeling very out of place here. Not because I look different but because I look the same. It is the first time I have ever traveled to a country where I look like I should speak the same language. I have gotten so used to looking different that looking the same but not really being the same is so weird! It was very odd going through security and having people talk to me in German, I just stared back and looked very confused! At least most of the words in German are similar enough to kind of figure out (when they are written NOT so much when they are spoken).
So this seems like the perfect time to bring up something Paul and I are considering...we have heard there might be a way to go to Germany after Korea. We haven't made our minds up either way yet...just something we are thinking about. Right now I would love to move here! We still have a year and a half to decide, I just thought I would mention it since I am here. Now time for some SNL while I wait three more hours until I'm on my way to London!
Korean Time 12:30am Local Time (Ireland) 4:30pm: My flight arrived early this morning so I was able to spend some time walking around exploring this quaint town (Killarny). It really is quite lovely! Megan and Chase got here around 1 and we have spent the past three hours walking around and enjoying this Irish afternoon! Now everyone is resting and trying to adjust to the time change...we are going on a carriage ride either tonight or tomorrow morning to see a castle! I can't wait to take pictures from that trip!!!!
London Time 6:30: Today is the last day of my vacation...kind of sad, but I am happy to be on my way back home. This was truly one of the best vacations I have ever had! Megan and Chase's wedding was so special. The church was unreal, it looked like it was from a fairy tale, Megan's dress was elegant, the reception was a blast, but what really made the wedding so special were the people. Just looking at Megan and Chase you could tell they really love each other. They had their closest friends and family there, all of whom loved them, as was evident when the toasts were given. I made it through the wedding without crying too much, but when I heard the toasts...that is another story! Enough sappy stuff the reception was a BLAST!
I am exhausted from last night, but I did manage to drink enough coffee to go into London today! What did I do in London? SHOPPING! I found an adorable teapot and teacups. I am so ready to host an afternoon tea when I get back. After the first part of my shopping trip I stopped in a pub for some fish and chips...YUM
P.S. My two new favorite words are lovely and brillant. I love the food here and American food is very quickly becoming my least favorite.
Korean (and now local) Time 6:00pm: I am so glad I made it on the express train to Seoul Station. I hate line 1 more than just about anything! It seems like the perfect way to end a perfect trip catching the train to cut my travel time back home from the airport in half! Paul won't be home for a few more days so I have time to rest and finish unpacking from our last shipment! I am so proud of all the things I bought on my trip...among other things I bought pillow cases from Dubai for our couch, tea set from London, and Baileys straight from Ireland for our bar! I find it very funny that a small town girl from Texas is traveling the world. Five years ago I would have never dreamed that I would be living in South Korea, traveling around Europe, and planning other trips around Asia. I know God has a wonderful plan for my life and I can not belive what he has already done!
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