Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Paul and I have spent the last few weekends digging up rocks and replacing them with lovely flowers.  Our living room has been turned into a greenhouse for all the little seedlings to delicate to go outside just yet.  There the trees here are look so pretty covered in cherry blossoms, and they smell heavenly!  The weather outside has been perfect, sunny and the high is in the 60s!  I have seen huge earthworms in our garden, which makes me so happy, and everyday, when I look outside and see my rose bush it makes me smile!

I got so excited when I saw him crawling around in the garden!

I had to include this picture, I have found two of these bugs in our house and they are so scary

Besides our garden keeping me busy, I have been debating what I should do for work.  I don't really want to work at the PX or Commissary (these seem to be the only jobs available), so I am going to see what I would have to do to be an English Tutor.  I already have a work visa, so I think it is a good idea to look into.  I have also broken down and decided to see what the FRG is like here.  Some of you may know I hate the term Army Wife (I am Paul's wife I am not married to his job and you never hear the term business wife, or lawyer wife) and I HATE everything I do to revolve around Paul's job.  I feel like it is important to have things I do that are separate from Paul, things just for me.  That being said, I also like to be busy every second of everyday.  I like to be the kind of person that is able to and has to get a million things accomplished in one day... Since I quit my job I have not had a million things to do each day so adding some things to my to do list is a necessity.  We will see how this FRG stuff turns out, and if it is too "Army Wifeish" I will say adíos!  But just for the record I am going into this with an open mind and I am hopeful that there will be meaningful volunteer opportunities.

Paul and I are also planning to have a party this summer (I like to say garden party he prefers to say grilling party, we'll see what ends up on the invitations...).  We have been looking at outdoor furniture and trying to decide exactly what we would like for this party.  I don't want to say too much, but if it turns out like we want it will be a great party!    


  1. It sounds like y'all are having a great time in Korea! What is FRG?

  2. Family Readiness Group, sounds more important than it is...lol
